Torus Network

Created to tackle the obstacles encountered by the digital media sector.


Unparalleled access to billions.

Embark on a journey into a new universe of interconnected solutions. Seamlessly navigate the realms of speed, security, and scalability, while your project receives unparalleled exposure across billions.

Torus is your gateway to a harmonized ecosystem of blockchain and mass media.
  1. 4M+Influencers
  2. 1.8B+Followers
  3. 20B+Monthly Impressions

FeaturesCapabilities That Conquer


The #1 Media Network in Asia

No longer worry about attracting users to your project. Selecting the wrong blockchain could potentially spell the end for your dApp even before its inception. By deploying on Torus, you'll tap into the world's largest Asian media network, guaranteeing eyes on your project.


Cost Optimized

On Torus, transactions are speedy, cost-effective, and smooth.


Seamless Deployment

Torus supports EVM compatibility, allowing for swift deployment of your Ethereum applications without any modifications.

The #1 Media Network in Asia

No longer worry about attracting users to your project. Selecting the wrong blockchain could potentially spell the end for your dApp even before its inception. By deploying on Torus, you'll tap into the world's largest Asian media network, guaranteeing eyes on your project.


Cost Optimized

On Torus, transactions are speedy, cost-effective, and smooth.


Seamless Deployment

Torus supports EVM compatibility, allowing for swift deployment of your Ethereum applications without any modifications.

TechnologyThe most reliable approach to cultivate worth.

Torus Chain is an innovative blockchain infrastructure that fuels the Torus Ecosystem and its swiftly growing array of onboarded projects. It serves as the cornerstone of a next-gen blockchain universe, continually broadening its scope.

If you're ready to build applications and create value, Torus can help you get the engagement you need.


Close to zero transaction fees.
Subject to change depending on network demand

3,000 tps

Infinitely scalable, with a theoretical ceiling of 300,000 tps.

1-2 sec
(Block time)

Blockchain tech that exceeds scalability expectations.

SOLUTIONSSystems that Soar


Torus utilizes DPoS, granting token holders the opportunity to participate in the network without running a validator.


Experience swift transactions, nearly instantaneous,coupled with minimal transaction fees, boasting up to 300,000 transactions per second.


The Torus network uses a robust implementation of aBFT, DAG, and a modified version of DPoS technology, that makes the network outstandingly secure.

Run a TQF Validator node Secure the Torus Network, Earn Rewards.

For Torus's network to operate smoothly, validator nodes are absolutely crucial. These nodes function by running a full node and partaking in consensus, contributing to both the security of the network and the creation of new blocks. To be capable of running a node as a Validator, Torus has the following requirements:

Become a validator
  1. Minimum requirement:350,000 TQF
  2. Max validator capacity15x the self-staked amount (if you stake 350,000 TQF, maximum capacity is 5,250,000 TQF)
  3. Validator rewardEarn staking rewards and a fixed 12% fee of the delegated rewards
  4. Minimum hardware requirements:AWS EC2 m5.xlarge with 4 vCPUs (3.1 GHz) and at least 1 TB of Amazon EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) storage (or equivalent).

TQF Staking Stake on Torus

Accumulate rewards by staking your TQF tokens to secure the network. Select your staking preference, begin accruing benefits with a few simple actions, and utilize your staked assets as collateral within DeFi.

Stake your TQF now
Choose your rewards

You can choose to stake either for 1 day, or 1095 days, up to you.

Compound your stake

You can claim rewards as many times as you want, and compound them for a greater return on your stake.